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Nulles Bakery

At club gourmet at el Corte Inglés in Tarragona


Strada Interiors – Laura Strada

With a unique perspective, we’ve designed the custom furniture for the Forn de Nulles located in the renowned section Club Gourmet at the Corte Ingles mall in Tarragona. Every detail has been meticulously thoughted to provide a visual experience and a unique aesthetic.

In the core of the design, we highlight the innovative way to showcase the bread, using a series of cylinders and the presence of the colour black.

With this choice we not only allow the product stand out but also create a unique atmosphere that captures the true essence of the Nulles Bakery.

The essence of the furniture design was to innovatively highlight the products from Forn de Nulles, using a series of black cylinders to enhance the displayed croissants and bread. This contrasting colour creates an attractive visual point for customers and emphasizes the importance of a product that stands out for its quality and craftsmanship. It is a visual experience for anyone visiting the “Club Gourmet”.

In the end, our design looks for a transcendental design that goes beyond a simple retail point. We aim that the richness and tradition of Forn de Nulles is reflected in every gaze.

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